NtGreen™ Safe Gel Stain #573
Ethidium bromide has been used to stain double strand DNA, single strand DNA, and RNA in agarose or polyacrylamide gel for many years. This mutagenic chemical is harmful to researchers and environment. In contrast, our NtGreen™ Safe Gel Stains are safer, more stable, and more sensitive, compared to ethidium bromide. NtGreen™ Safe Gel Stains can detect DNA as low as 0.1 ng.
Store the gel stains at 4°C
Experimental Protocol
- Prepare agarose or polyacrylamide gel according to standard protocols.
- Add 5 µL of NtGreen™ Safe Gel Stain to a 50 mL gel solution. Mix by swirling the solution gently. The volume of the stain can be scaled up or down according to the amount of solution you are preparing for the experiment.
- Image the gel using a UV transilluminator or gel imaging system.
Data Sheet